Yuna, a companion with Artificial Intelligence to improve mental health

Over the past few years I have seen a wide range of apps and platforms emerge to address all types of human needs, from managing mental health to encouraging personal development. However, I rarely come across proposals as promising and necessary as And one an emerging company that positions itself as a companion AI for mental health and emotional well-being.

Now I explain what makes Yuna such a special tool and how it could revolutionize the way we approach personal growth and the management of our emotions.

What makes Yuna stand out?

First of all, And one offers accessibility to tools for personal growth and emotional well-being. In a world where stress and anxiety are commonplace, having a safe space where you can express yourself and receive positive support 24 hours a day is, without a doubt, revolutionary. Yuna draws on proven therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), to offer personalized conversations and exercises that aim to manage stress, reduce anxiety and strengthen resilience. This personalization ensures that each user receives support tailored to their needs and emotional state.

yuna offering emotional help
yuna offering emotional help

The approach of And one in offering an affordable and private service, which democratizes access to mental health. And one promises to be a solution to these problems, providing a confidential and affordable alternative to traditional mental health options.

Who would benefit most from Yuna?

Yuna dealing with specific problems
Yuna dealing with specific problems

The platform is designed for anyone looking to improve their emotional well-being, whether exploring self-knowledge, navigating everyday life challenges, or seeking daily peace. However, I consider that And one It would be especially beneficial for those who, for reasons of cost, time or stigma, have avoided seeking professional help for their mental health. I also see great potential in people who live in areas where access to qualified therapists is limited or non-existent.

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Unfortunately, at the moment it is only available on iPhone, and in English, so it greatly limits access to a large part of the population.

Improvement and expansion potential

Although And one already presents a solid proposal, there is always room for innovation and improvement. For example, integrating advanced artificial intelligence techniques to further personalize responses and advice based on the analysis of the language and emotions expressed by the user could boost the effectiveness of the platform. Additionally, expanding the range of therapies offered to include approaches such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) or mindfulness could further enrich the tools available to users.

On the other hand, they could offer a more affordable plan, even if it is limited. The current one costs $19.99 per month with unlimited access (much cheaper than the 50 euros per hour for a psychologist), but it would be interesting to have a plan limited to a few hours that does not exceed $5 per month, further democratizing the access to these tools.

And, of course, expand languages ​​and platforms.


And one represents a significant step forward in democratizing access to mental health and emotional well-being. By combining accessibility, personalization and privacy, this platform has the potential to be a game-changer in how we approach caring for our mental health in the digital age. I’m looking forward to seeing how And one evolves and expands to fulfill its noble mission of making mental health care accessible to all. From Mediaboooster, we will closely follow its development and how this tool can positively influence people’s lives.

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