The DGT is already preparing to regulate autonomous driving with these new rules

The DGT is already preparing to regulate autonomous driving with these new rules

The autonomous driving It may be a fantasy in which only a few drivers apply it, or an undeniable reality that will become part of our lives and forever change the way we drive. Be that as it may, it requires that time not run out and regulation begins to be lacking, as happened with the VMP chaos.

For this reason, the DGT already has ready the new rules that it intends to apply during 2024 so that the circulation of these autonomous vehicles is safe and regulated.

Autonomous driving and new regulations

Autonomous driving can go from being something anecdotal to becoming a massive reality in the coming years. Therefore, trying to anticipate this possible scenario, the General Directorate of Traffic is already working on a modification of traffic rules.

Level 3 autonomous driving

It is expected that by 2024 the DGT will have ready the Royal Decree that will regulate autonomous driving. There is some work already anticipated, since there are some first drafts about what this new regulation will be like. The deadline for making comments on the project will end on April 15, so from that date we may already have the deletions ready for approval and entry into force.

In the current state, it is intended to change the regulations by modification of the General Traffic Regulations and the General Vehicle Regulations. In this way, the aim is to make room for this new form of driving within the common regulations instead of creating a new specific regulation for fully automated vehicles from scratch.

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Modify the RGC and RGV

The draft of the future standard on autonomous driving vehicles includes two new articles and an annex to the General Traffic Regulations. A new article and another annex will also be introduced in the General Vehicle Regulations.

As for the RGC, it would have the article 4 bis, which will establish the obligations for the occupants of these autonomous driving vehicles and will establish what conditions there will be to consider them as such. For example, they will not be considered automated vehicles if they have driving assistance systems (ADAS) but cannot drive autonomously.

The new article 18 bis It deals with the behavior of the vehicle in traffic as well as those inherent to the owner of the automated driving system in relation to the operation of these vehicles.

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In it new Annex V We will see the particular rules and conditions of circulation of vehicles equipped with an automated driving system. These rules will apply when they are operating in fully automatic mode. It must be remembered that these vehicles must have their own additional standards in order to guarantee road safety.

Regarding the General Vehicle Regulations, the article 14 bis Note that “these vehicles cannot circulate if they do not have their corresponding circulation permit issued by the Central Traffic Headquarters, prior authorization whose purpose is to ensure their ability to circulate safely.”

He annex XX will mark the certification process of safety measures to guarantee that a vehicle equipped with an automated driving system complies with traffic regulations. It also defines what we mean by automation capabilities and the operational environments of use for them.

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