Quantum technology is the new point of contention in the technological war

Quantum technology is an emerging field that promises to revolutionize computing, communication and security. However, it also poses challenges and risks, especially in the military and geopolitical sphere. That’s why the United States has taken steps to prevent China from accessing its quantum technology, but it may be too late.

According to a report of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a think tank American, China has invested 15.3 billion dollars in the research and development of quantum technology, much more than the 3.7 billion dollars of the United States, and has made significant advances in areas such as cryptography, quantum sensing, and radar.

The United States is trying to stop China’s advance in quantum technology, but it could be behind

According to inform he SCMP, the document published by CSIS warns that quantum technology could have military applications that threaten the digital security and strategic advantage of the United States, and recommends that the country increase its investment, international cooperation, and intellectual property protection in this field.

However, the United States has already begun to act to block China’s access to its quantum technology, following the sanctions imposed last year that affect China’s access to advanced chip manufacturing tools and intelligence processors. artificial.

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An example of the United States taking action is Origin Quantum Computing Technology a leading company in quantum communication. In January, the United States Department of Commerce included the Chinese company QuantumCTek, in its list of entities, which implies restrictions on the export of American products. Because? Because according to data Of the company itself, the majority of its foreign users resided in the United States.

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Among other things, in February, the US Department of Energy advertisement that would prohibit its scientists from participating in exchange programs with China and other adversary countries in the field of quantum technology, as well as in other sensitive areas such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology. Measure that could bring bad results to the United States.

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These actions hinder scientific collaboration between the United States and China, which has been fruitful in the past. For example, in 2016, both countries carried out the first quantum teleportation experiment between a satellite and Earth, a milestone in quantum physics. Likewise, in the midst of tensions over the ‘Chip War’, both countries collaborated to create the world’s first graphene semiconductor.

On the other hand, in addition to making collaboration difficult, They could also be insufficient to stop China’s advance, which has demonstrated its ambition and its ability to “jump” restrictions. In this case with quantum computing, China announced in December that it had achieved quantum supremacy, that is, it had created a quantum computer capable of performing a task that a conventional computer could not solve in a reasonable time.

Furthermore, China has built the world’s largest quantum communication network that connects more than 700 institutions and companies throughout the country. He has also launched the world’s first quantum satellite which could enable global quantum communication.

Micius Satellite China Quantum Communication

‘Micius’ quantum satellite, China

The race for quantum technology between the United States and China is underway, and could have consequences for the balance of power and global security. For this reason, some believe that both countries should look for ways to cooperate and establish norms and standards for the responsible and peaceful use of this technology. Of course, it seems that this ‘Technological War’ will not stop China from continuing to innovate.

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