Received notes and a notebook with a very powerful phrase from Steve Jobs

Apple is one of the most coveted companies worldwide, and not only at the consumer level, since Working for this Cupertino-based company is quite an achievement for anyone who enters. Christina Quan is one of the lucky ones, who served as an intern for a summer and who recounts her experience within herself, starting with the starter kits.

Card, keychain, notebook and A little box full of notes with messages as strange as they are powerful are the welcome gift for every new employee.. True to Apple style, everything moves with a particular mystique, inherited by Steve Jobs. This is what Quan says.

Starting with a little business card for you to put on your clothes, Apple grants the same elements to all its employees, just as happens with training within the company, all from the same perspective. This is a constant that is found among those who have worked in Apple technology.

Welcome to Apple

Apple Starter Kit 01

Quan counts, through the portal Quora, who upon entering the hall was given a bottle of Smartwater water, a cereal bar and a box. Not all of the objects that Apple gives to its workers can be preserved, but many of them can, which are usually a souvenir of that experience. These items range from the most common such as a t-shirt, to the strange notes in the boxes Gift.

Apple is known for having its own vision of things. Without going any further, Steve Jobs himself had his yacht designed to reflect that same culture: simple but elegant… and as powerful as it is mysterious. And the pictures in the boxes have short, but intense phrases. “What’s new with me“, “change is good” either “tell the world” are some of these messages. But nothing like the welcome letters:

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“There are the jobs and the jobs of your life. The kind of job that has your fingerprints all over it. The kind of job you would never compromise on. For which you would sacrifice a weekend. You’ll find that kind of work at Apple. People don’t come here to take it safely. Come here to swim in the deepest. They want a job that contributes something. Something big. Something that couldn’t happen anywhere else. Welcome to Apple.”

Apple Starter Kit 02
Yes ok Many may call the culture that Apple tries to instill in its workers sectarian. It is also true that it is a company highly committed to being exceptional. That is why another of the phrases that your new employees receive draws special attention, as it reinforces trust in them:

“You already have the tools, so you can focus on the rest, like doing your life’s work. (There is no URL for that.) Just remember, while you’re inundated with material and adapting to a unique culture, enjoy the moment. Take a deep breath. Be brilliant. That’s why we hired you. Welcome to Apple.”

Apple philosophy and culture

Apple Starter Kit 02 1

All these messages are loaded with the Apple philosophy, a particular style of seeing life and, above all, the job. Steve Jobs was always harshly criticized for his ways, but also praised for his results and the mystique that he carried with him.

Now, almost 13 years after his death, the company he founded continues to send powerful messages to its employees. Based on corporatism, but ultimately empowering. After all, they know they are one of the most valuable companies on the planet and their machinery will only continue to compete at the highest level, polishing all its parts.

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This material, shared by Quan, is of special value due to another of Apple’s intrinsic characteristics: secrecy. Material like that published is not seen as often, which is why it is an important archive to learn a little more about what the culture is like within Cupertino, as well as the very identity of the company. Of course, now we also know that there are “discounts for friends and family”, the cards say so.

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