A car battery that offers 1000 km of autonomy and charges in 10 minutes

The battery revolution for electric vehicles (EV) has not yet arrived, but every day we are closer to achieving what we all want: batteries that charge quickly and offer more than 1000 km of autonomy.

That’s what they’ve been working on since. toyota in the development of new batteries that promise vehicles with greater autonomy, faster recharges and, above all, a lower environmental impact, although they only believe that they will be able to have them ready in 2027 or 2028.

You have the study on nature.com where they comment that today, batteries lithium ion They dominate the Electric Vehicle (EV) market, but their reign could be coming to an end. toyota has announced plans to launch a car that could travel 1,000 kilometers and recharge in just 10 minutes, thanks to a solid-state battery that replaces liquid components with solid ones. On the other hand, Chinese manufacturers promise economical cars that use sodium an element much more abundant and cheaper than lithium.

He United States Department of Energy (DoE) is promoting research with programs such as Battery500, seeking to achieve an energy density of 500 watt-hours per kilogram (Wh kg–1), 65% more than the best current products. Additionally, the goal of reducing the cost to $60 per kilowatt hour by 2030 could make EVs as economical as gasoline vehicles.

But the path to these innovations is not without challenges. Battery optimization involves a delicate balance between energy density, recharge speed, durability, safety and cost. Solid-state batteries, for example, promise to solve many of these problems by eliminating flammable liquids and allowing the use of pure lithium anodes, which would significantly increase energy density. However, their production is complex and even more expensive than traditional lithium-ion batteries.

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The search for sustainable alternatives also leads us to sodium, an element a thousand times more abundant than lithium. Companies like BYD China is already moving in this direction, with sodium-ion battery production plants and vehicles that promise to be much more accessible. Although sodium batteries do not yet reach the energy densities of lithium, their low cost and abundance make them a promising option for the future of electric mobility.

In Mediaboooster, we have covered over the years how technology has evolved to make our lives easier and more sustainable. These advances in electric vehicle batteries are a clear example of how continuous innovation can lead us towards a greener and more efficient future. Although there are still challenges to overcome, the commitment of researchers, companies and governments in this direction is a reason for optimism.

In this sector we are approaching a turning point in the automotive industry, where EVs will not only be the greenest option, but also the most practical and accessible for the average consumer. The transition to electric mobility is complex and multifaceted, involving advances in materials chemistry, production engineering and public policies. But the potential to transform our environmental impact and our relationship with vehicles is immense. I am convinced that we will continue to see innovations that will not only advance electric vehicle technology, but will also help us build a more sustainable future. For now, electric vehicles continue to be an impractical solution.


  • The new car batteries that could power the electric vehicle revolution https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00325-z doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-024-00325-z

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