The Batman II: 10 DC Villains Never Appeared in a Batman Movie We’d Like to See

Batman has been adapted for cinema for years. For years the Black Knight has faced different enemies, each more dangerous than the last. The Joker, Bane, Mr Frost, The Penguin, Ra’s Al Ghul, they’ve all been on camera before. Which made us want to list the biggest Batman villains who have not yet appeared in a film about the Dark Knight, and who could be one of the antagonists of The Batman II. Here are 10 Batman villains we would like to see on screen soon.

The Batman II: 10 DC Villains Never Appeared in a Batman Movie We’d Like to See

10) Hugo Strange

Hugo Strange

Created in 1940 by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Hugo Strange is one of Batman’s oldest enemies. Appeared a few months before the Joker and Catwoman, he is the first to discover that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Initially, Hugo Strange is an ambitious psychiatrist who uses his talents as a psychologist to study and unmask Batman. A desire that turns into obsession, so much so that Hugo Strange seeks to capture Batman to unmask Bruce Wayne. The latter manages to discredit Hugo Strange who is mocked by his peers. He then falls into madness, before recovering years later. Hugo Strange then becomes the boss of Arkham Asylum while maintaining a deep hatred towards Bruce Wayne. If The Batman II were to further develop Arkham Asylum, Hugo Strange would be an interesting person to introduce, especially when we see the whole psychological dimension of the first film.

9) Great White Shark

Great White Shark

Also called Warren White, Great White Shark first appears in 2003 under the pens of Dan Slott and Ryan Sook. Initially, Warren White was a businessman convicted of stock fraud. Warren, to avoid prison, pleads insanity. A stupid strategy since the former businessman then finds himself Arkham Asylum. There, he is victimized by the other inmates of the asylum like Double Face, Killer Croc or Mr Freeze. Because of too long a proximity with the latter, Warren White then loses his hair, his nose, his ears and some fingers. His skin also whitens, and in a fit of madness, Warren sharpens his teeth to look like a White shark. That’s where his nickname comes from. Subsequently, Great White Shark will then work to become a godfather of Gotham’s underworld. He will even achieve this by murdering many of Penguin’s associates and taking revenge on Two-Face.

8) Firefly


Created in 1952, Firefly is a recurring enemy of Batman. Originally, Garfield Lynns is a pyrotechnics expert who works in the cinema industry. But when he needs money, Garfield uses his talents to turn to crime. He builds himself a suit equipped with a flamethrower capable of flying. Without being Batman’s worst enemy, we would really like to see Firefly on screen. Especially since the latter was to appear in Batgirl, as the Oscar-winning actor Brendan Fraser. A missed appointment that must be quickly rectified.

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7) Man-Bat


Created in 1970 by Neal Adams and Frank Robbins, Man-Bat terrifies the skies of Gotham. Basically, Kirk Langstrom is a scientist who experiments on the human genome. In his research to combat deafness, it uses bat DNA. But while experimenting on himself, Kirk transforms into horrible giant bat. Back in the wild, Kirk no longer controls his actions and thoughts. Most of the time, his instincts dictate his immoral actions. But on the rare occasions when Man-Bat has control over his own mind, he is a strong ally of Batman. Man-Bat is an interesting villain to develop on screen. He could offer The Batman II a almost horrific approach with a monstrous antagonist such as this.

6) Grungy

Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy is a bit like the evil version of Hulk. Created in 1944 by Alfred Bester and Paul Reinman, Grundy is a giant super-zombie with herculean strength. At the end of the 19th century, Cyrus Gold, a former merchant, was murdered and thrown into the swamps. Its remains have been surrounded by organic deposits and chemicals over the years. 100 years later, Cyrus Gold has mysteriously come back to life in the form of an undead. Cyrus Gold has very limited memory of his former life. He only remembered that he was born on a Monday, so people nicknamed him Solomon Grundy, inspired by the name of a nursery rhyme character born on a Monday. Recurring villain of Green Lantern and Supermanhe also regularly attacks Batman. Even stronger than BaneSolomon Grundy is immortal since already dead. This makes him one of Batman’s toughest villains, who plays in the big leagues and regularly fights vigilantes much more powerful than the Dark Knight.

5) The Mad Hatter

The mad Hatter

Created in 1948 by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Jervis Tetch is a criminal obsessed with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. A hatter by training, he ended up convincing himself that he was the Mad Hatter from Lewis Carroll’s account. Passionate about electro-magnetic waves, the Mad Hatter manages to create a machine to control the brain waves of his victims. He regularly sets up mischief in homage to Lewis Carroll. Very intelligent, The Mad Hatter generally returns to his cell at Arkam Asylum on his own, once his plan is put into action. He could be a solid Batman foe for The Batman II, although a little too similar to The Mystery Man by Paul Dano.

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4) Deathstroke


So of course, Deathstroke appears in Justice League or in the series Titans. But ultimately, we have never seen a clash between the famous mercenary and the Black Knight. Created in 1980, Deathstroke is a recurring enemy of Teen Titans and Robin. But he often clashes with Batman himself. Slade Wilson is a former soldier in the United States Army. Once back on American soil, he uses his abilities to become a talented mercenary. Incarnated by Joe Manganiello In Justice League and in Zack Snyder’s Justice Leaguewe would really like to see the character again on the big screen, and why not in a Batman film.

3) Clayface

Mouth of

Iconic villain from the 1992 animated series, Clayface was created in 1940 by Bob Kane. Many characters have come and gone in the role of Clayface, from Basil Karlo to Ethan Bennett. Generally, Clayface is created by genome modifications that give it powers of shapeshifter. While he can take on the appearance of anyone, his natural form is now a big disgusting pile of clay. If it is very present in comics and animated series, Clayface has never appeared in a film Batman.

2) Red Hood

Red Hood

Basically, Red Hood is the Joker’s first secret identity, before he falls into his vat of acid. Years later, Jason Todd who is the Batman’s first Robin, is killed by the Joker. When he returns from the dead, Jason Todd takes on the identity of Red Hood. He then becomes an ultra violent vigilante, in the style of Punisher, and kills the worst scum in Gotham without further ado. A process that does not please Batman, who then tries to stop Red Hood without knowing that it is Jason Todd. It’s hard to believe that Red Hood could be the antagonist of The Batman II since Robin was not introduced in the first film. But we would very much like this ambiguous anti-hero to join an adventure one day Batman.

1) Killer fang

Killer Croc

If Killer Croc is already in Suicide Squad it absolutely deserves a second chance at the cinema. This ultra-violent crocodile man is one of Batman’s toughest enemies. Thick raw bloodthirsty, Killer Croc is almost as powerful as Bane or Grundy. While he hides in the sewers, he only loves one thing: money. The presence of Killer Croc in a film Batman could bring a little graphic violence and darkness in an approach, again, which could lean towards horror.

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